Wednesday 24 August 2011


Just a quick post to say that missions have now been released for all players. Enjoy!

Friday 19 August 2011

Blog Changes

I've decided I'm no longer going to post a daily list of what I've been doing/working on. I recently explained that I had been sick for two days and that prompted certain people to post negative comments, implying that I should in fact be working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, and that being sick in apparently unacceptable.

I've worked incredibly hard these last couple of months, and my 'reward' for it is yet more abuse and negative comments. It's clear that even if I was working 22 hours a day, 365 days a year a good proportion of you would still be unhappy. I should of known, because that's exactly how it's worked since I first started making this game.

Here is one thing I'd like to note. If you're not happy with the game as it stands, then please, PLEASE, don't spend money on it. You aren't 'pre-ordering' a feature that I'm going to create in the future. In addition, spending money on DF does not make you my boss. When you buy credits or a GM, you are paying for those things as they exist in the current game at this time, nothing else.

I'm going to continue working on missions, fixing bugs and adding new ones until the end of this month. Then in September I'm going to work on fixing the other major long-term flaws with the game such as lag, mutiplayer sync, high memory usage etc and convert the project from Unity 2.6 to 3.4 whilst implementing non-browser caching for faster loading times.

After that I'm not making any promises. I'll probably work on interiors and barricading, but I'm not going to post an ETA. It'll be done when it's done.

Monday 15 August 2011

Week starting 15th Aug 2011

Yet more bug fixes

Bug fixes

Not feeling too great so took today off.

Same as Wednesday, though starting to a feel a little better. Should be able to get some more missions done tomorrow.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Week Starting 8th of August

Weekend break


Expecting to have enough done for GMs to play by sometime this evening.

Tuesday Evening

Just a few minutes away now. Thought I should mention that the final artwork is not yet ready, so you will see a lot of ugly placeholder stuff. That of course will be sorted as soon as the final artwork is done. I'd also like to note that we literally only have 6 missions at the moment, 2 at Nastya's, 2 at Fort, 1 at Precinct and 1 at Dogg's. Of course many more will be added in the next few weeks. Due to the small number of missions you'll only be able to do one per day for the time being.

Mission bug fixes and improvements

Some people are complaining about bugs, difficulty/balance and some issues with seeing your briefing etc. Rest assured I'll be addressing all of these problems. Remember that this is a brand new feature and is likely to have these kind of teething issues for the next couple of weeks or so.


Went on an assault course activity day with Ian (Xaelath). Managed to dislocate my right arm again. Went to a hospital where instead of slowly manipulating the arm back into the correct position (like they did the last two times), the doctor decided to violently force it into place as quickly as he possibly could. It didn't work, and the end result was the worst pain I've felt in my life (despite being on 10mg of morphine), and judging by how my arm feels today they did some extra damage in the process. In the end I had to be sedated for them to get it back in. I'll make sure not to go to that hostpial again.

Luckily I can still use it enough to continue adding missions.

Bug fixes

Bug fixes

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Week starting 1st August 2011



On Friday I'll be going away with Nastya for a long weekend. I was originally planning to release missions for GMs before then. Even though I think that's still possible, it would be pretty risky. I wouldn't have time to thoroughly test everything so there could be a lot of serious bugs. Normally that's not a big issue because I'm around to fix problems as soon as they occur. But being away will make this impossible (Nastya will kill me if I spent our weekend working!). So I've decided it'll be better to wait until I'm back. The ETA is now sometime Tuesday (or possibly Wednesday) next week.



Weekend break