Wednesday 21 July 2010

My wife, son and I were planning to go and visit family in Russia for a month on the 20th of July. My aim was to continue to work on Dead Frontier 3D on my laptop while we were there. Unfortunately now that I've arrived in Russia I've discovered the software I need to work on DF3D isn't working properly on my laptop. This will make getting anything done while I'm here practically impossible.

In light of this I've changed my holiday plans. My wife and son will stay in Russia for a month, but I'm going to come home early after 1 week so I can get the next demo ready. Of course, this will still mean a delay of about a week. Sorry guys.

Thursday 8 July 2010

The small update I mentioned in my last post has just been made live. Sorry for the delay.

As a reminder, it now has:

- Improved HUD
- Mini map
- Big map
- Graphic quality and sound settings
- Instructions screen
- Several other bug fixes

Saturday 3 July 2010

Just so you guys know, here is the planned schedule for the 3D upgrade over next few weeks/months:

1. Release small update to existing GM demo, adding a map, quality settings and a few other improvements. (ETA: 2-3 days)

2. Release 3rd 3D demo for both GMs and non-GMs. This demo will definitely include multiplayer co-op. It may include PvP and more/better enemies. It will also include some form of faster transportation around the city to make up for the lack of barricading. (ETA: late July)

3. Release 4th 3D demo for all players. This build will have everything except for missions, interior locations and barricading. This will mark the stage where 3D becomes the primary play mode. 2D classic will remain an option. (ETA: early September)

4. Release the final 3D client to all players. A few weeks after this build is deemed stable (practically bug free), classic will be removed as an option. (ETA: October)

5. Dead Frontier finally leaves Beta (ETA: January 1st 2011)

I had hoped to do #2 much sooner in the month, but I've encountered some problems while adding multiplayer which is pushing the schedule back. Please accept my apologies for the delay.