Monday 31 May 2010

Sorry guys, I'm gonna have to delay the GM release by another day. So will now be on Wednesday the 2nd of June.

Thursday 27 May 2010

I'm aiming to release the GM demo on the 1st of June. Though, unfortunately I haven't been able to get multiplayer done yet, so it'll be single player for now.

Assuming there are no unforseen problems, there will be another demo available in early July (which will be available to both GMs and non-GMs). This one will have full multiplayer, all enemies & bosses, PvP and OAs.

Sunday 2 May 2010

Just a quick note to say yes, I'm still alive, and I am still making very good progress on the 3D client. My aim is to have a basic version of the game available for GMs by the end of this month.


  • The menus and HUD will probably look ugly and unpolished. Some options may be missing.

  • There might be multiplayer, but it will be co-op only

  • There won't be OAs, missions or barricading

  • You won't be able to go inside any buildings

  • You will be able to play with your avatar, use your weapons and loot items

  • It will only have basic zombies to kill, no advanced mutations or bosses